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Friends of Acapulco
Friends of Acapulco is a non-profit organization for charity focused on helping the needy children of Acapulco. Other important core mission programs are Scholarship and Free medical service & Free medicines for these children.
Thank's for your support !
Friends of Acapulco supports 6 Children’s Homes or Orphanages in Acapulco. Providing medical care as well as financial assistance to the homes based on their needs.

"Marsh Children's Home"
Marsh Children’s Home offer a decent home where needy and homeless children can get food, education, medical attention and love.

"Casa Vida Abundante"
Casa Vida Abundate currently has 15 children. The children are taught personal hygiene, good manners and religious beliefs as well as self-sufficiency.

"Father Angel's Home"
Padre Angel has enriched the lives of so many young people. We are delighted to maintain our financial support for his noble and distinguished work.

"Acapulco Children's Home"
The Acapulco Children’s Home operates with oversight from the Jesus of Nazareth Church, a local Presbyterian congregation founded in Acapulco.

"Salvation Army Acapulco"
The Salvation Army Children's Home in Acapulco, Mexico. The home provides love, secure housing, food, clothing, and medical care for the kids.

"Children's Cancer Home"
The Children's Cancer Home provides a safe environment for the children to receive the medical care they so desperately need.
To help the most underprivilidged children of Acapulco through our programs.
Medical Service & Medicine
All children in the homes supported by the Friends of Acapulco are entitled to free medical care and free medicines.
Scholarship Program
We provide stipends to underwrite part of the living expenses of the students and enable them to continue their studies either at high school or university level.
Assist Other Foundations
Friends of Acapulco also provides assistance to other organizations that provide services for children here in Acapulco.

Friends of Acapulco
Ana Catalina García Ramírez
Current President